Sunday, 22 February 2009

Update: February 22

Hello Everybody,

Just a friendly reminder that I am off to Calgary and Edmonton to speak at the Evolving Public Service and You Conference(s). Needless to say I am super stoked about the opportunity to meet some of my regional colleagues, listen to their stories, and of course spread the Scheming Virtuously meme.

Since I am gone most of the week, I doubt I will be posting anything this week, that includes a weekly column, unless of course I am up for writing one on the plan ride back... which knowing me, is a definite possibility.

You may be able to catch me on twitter a bit while I am gone, but given that I am speaking 4 times in two days it might be fleeting.

Cheers, and send me your good karma, because I would love to pass it on to our colleagues out West.

- Nick Charney

1 comment:

  1. Good luck, Nick!! I'm so excited for you :)

