Sunday, 29 March 2009

Update: Just wanted to share my deck from Friday

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to share the deck I used for my presentation on March 27th in Toronto to the National Managers Community, and thank everyone in attendance for the opportunity to talk to them.

Two things, the first is that some of my slides use some heavy animation so they don't translate to slideshare very well. So if you see something that looks like a bunch of overlapping graphics just ignore it for now. Second, imagine that these slides were projected onto a 25 foot screen behind me.

Without further ado, here is the deck:

If you were in attendance on Friday, feel free to send me an email to follow up. But to be honest, you will probably get more out of reading the paper then just viewing the deck. If you haven't seen me deliver the presentation and are interested I am happy to try to help.


Ps - If you haven't already read the Clerk's 16th Report, you can do so here.


  1. this presentation is EXCELLENT, loved it. thxs for sharing.

  2. 1. This presentation is in the same style as Kujawski's.

    2. Slide 38 looked rude

    3. A few slides had words screwy

    4. Awesome - I can put a finger on the steps and your theme that we discuss. I wish I read this before sending you my long diatribe. But it would be rude for you to go "Hi, here's my email with advice. If you would like to reply, please review my presentation" - HA!

    This looks great. Can we get a voice track on it? Would love to hear what you have to say to accompany it.

  3. Nick, your presentation is excellent. My feedback would be to smooth out the section near the beginning with Johnny, Suit, Silos and Long Tails.

    I found at the time you were delivering the presentation it was tough to follow that part; though after some reflection it made perfect sense.

  4. Thanks all.

    Doug - I have a voice track but I am hesitant to distribute it because I say things I would never write...

    RaWeiss - I have been struggling to make the first half more coherent for a while. It's important material but I haven't found a way to make it sufficiently understandable w/o having done some of the background reading. Still working on it...
