Tuesday, 17 May 2011

A Mixed Bag

Hey Everyone -

Here is a mixed bag of things in my brain right now ...

Food for thought ...

Here is a quick list of articles that I've read recently that I found interesting:

Also the University of Yale has an entire years worth of lectures on Game Theory available online for free. If you are interested in thinking more strategically I highly recommend you check them out (or even add them into your learning plan).

Finally, I just finished reading Re-Work; and I must say that I recommend reading it only if you need a motivational kick the arse. If you are already motivated, you won't walk away with much. On the other hand, I started reading the Master Switch by Tim Wu and would recommend picking up a copy if you are interested in the historical evolution of communications industry.

Places to be ...

1. MARCOM, June 1/2 (Ottawa, Ontario)

I'll be presenting at MARCOM again this year. My session title is "Disrupting the Culture: How Social Media can be used to embrace organizational change, drive engagement and foster innovation". MARCOM is a lot of fun for me because I get to meet a boat load of communications professionals from both the public and not-for-profit sectors. In preparation for the conference I sat down with Bernard Gauthier, CEO of Delta Media and Graham Machacek from IABC Ottawa to talk about converging media, part 1 of the podcast is available here.

2. Govcamp, June 8 (Toronto, Ontario)

I'm really looking forward to participating in Govcamp in Toronto. I'll be working the event as a facilitator, but if everything works out I may also have something cool to demo (or at least share a sneak peak). If you are in the area check it out, its totally free.

3. Financial Management Institute's Public Sector Management Workshop, June 12-14 (Edmonton, Alberta)

To be honest, I don't know much about FMI, but I'm looking forward to meeting new people in Edmonton, and being there when it isn't -40 out!

4. Social Capital Conference, July 23 (Ottawa, Ontario)

It's not official yet but I have it on good authority that I will be tagging in with Joe Boughner to discuss internal collaboration, the benefits, risks and strategies for enterprise adoption.

5. Next Generation of Government Summit, July 28-29 (Washington, DC)

This conference is by far the most energetic conference for public servants I have ever been to. Last year Steve Ressler from Govloop gave me a huge opportunity to help open the conference, to date it is one of the highlights of my career. When Steve asked me to come back this year I couldn't say no. The challenge: motivate a couple hundred public servants in 15 minutes or less without using any material I used last year.

Challenge accepted.

Final note(s) ...

  1. I rejigged the graphics on the page (including the header), feedback always appreciated.
  2. I'm still blogging daily at cpsr365
  3. I'm trying to bring an enterprise tablet application to market, I've stood up another site, and am tweeting and blogging about the experience.
  4. Keep an eye on the newly minted Gov2 TV
  5. I'm interested in starting up a series of "Wonkcasts" (podcasts for policy wonks) if you are interested in collaborating with me on this project please let me know.

Thanks for taking the time, take care.

Originally published by Nick Charney at cpsrenewal.ca


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