Friday, 10 June 2016

Sharing my work ... my actual work

by Nick CharneyRSS / cpsrenewalFacebook / cpsrenewalLinkedIn / Nick Charneytwitter / nickcharneygovloop / nickcharneyGoogle+ / nickcharney

I've been blogging here for the better part of the last 8 years, sharing my thoughts here at cpsrenewal about the confluence of people, public policy and technology. During that time I've held a number of different positions across the federal family and my rule of thumb has generally been -- perhaps with the exception of when I went on interchange -- don't write about work, like my actual work. Sure, allude to it, test ideas here that I may be testing elsewhere (e.g. See: On Possible Taxonomies for New Policy Instruments and Approaches) but never, link directly to my work.

That distance -- call it plausible deniability -- has always been important. However, I get the sense that is is slowly becoming less important. There's more public servants online, many of whom are identifying whom they work for and/or linking back to specific departmental websites in their online profiles. It's easy -- even tempting -- to pin this on the change in government but the trend surely precedes it (See: Trust is the only thing that scales). 

The deluge of public servants openly declaring such online (See: #LeadersGC for example) is a clear signal that times are changing; however, these changes likely here to stay but the future (as they say) is unevenly distributed and what's 'safe' in one place might be 'unsafe' in another. But perhaps that's besides the point I want to get across in this post. I simply wanted to share my work with you and ask you if you are interested in being a part of it going forward. 

Long story short, I'm part of a small policy innovation team working on the challenge of instrument choice where my core responsibilities including the design and delivery of an online portal on new policy instruments and approaches (on GCPedia) that harvests the collective knowledge of different parts of our vast organization and tries to bring them into alignment with one another in a way that can support the broader policy innovation and experimentation agenda. The Portal (which boasts a fun Star Wars theme) was recently featured in the Clerk`s 23rd Report to the Prime Minister (scroll down to the "Reinforcing the Policy Community" subheading) but the portal is really just one of the jumping off points for our team's work, which focuses on building capacity (and community!) for policy innovation and experimentation in the Government of Canada.

So I suppose what I'm asking you is this:
Thanks -- as always -- for taking the time.


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