Monday, 22 August 2011

Public service renewal: the weekly round-up

August 15 – 19, 2011

Thought of the week: Your ideas are not obvious to other people. That’s why you need to share them.

Watch of the week: a WW2-era Disney cartoon, All Together Now. This historically avant-garde collaboration between the National Film Board of Canada and Walt Disney Studios aimed to get more Canadians to invest in war bonds. (And, truly, there’s just something about seeing the Disney gang march up and down in front of an animated version of the Canadian Parliament buildings. Priceless.)

Crowd sourcing:

Maybe I am behind the times, but this week I discovered a service called Servio, with an 80,000+ strong workforce where you can crowd source your content needs. Its software carves a given task into microscopically small pieces, and then farms it out to their community of workers, who get paid piecemeal to complete each section of the task.

So, what happens when a journalist crowd sources out background research? Is hiring a team of freelance reporters to research, report, and write a story on your behalf an ethical violation?


It may be trite to say, but laughing is good for you:

This post has been a collaborative effort from Lee-Anne Peluk and Nicholas Charney.You can check out Lee-Anne's blog "In the Shuffle" at

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